By:Saachi Kedia and Jeeya Prasai

Premier International IB World School believes in getting connected with the parents actively. Parents Representatives (P.R) act as a bridge between the school management and the parent community to vigorously participate in the school affairs and help reach out to the parents. On this note, the School conducted its first PR meeting for the year 2079 B.S  at the school’s Executive Hall on 27th May 2022.

The program commenced at 4:45 pm with the school’s Principal Mr. Niladri Sekhar Parial and the Vice-Principal Ms. Kanchan Mary Pradhan acknowledging the previous Parent Representatives with a short farewell message to them for their contribution to the school community. As the event continued, all the new PRs for the new academic session 2079 B.S., were welcomed by Ms. Kanchan and Mr. Niladri  who specified the expectation the school had from the PRs, which are:

  • Build trust and confidence in the faculty and the school management.
  • Formally introduce the parents to the faculty.
  • Educate parents about the school and the school’s mission, vision, and the guiding principles for the teaching and learning practices.
  • Provide information about important policies.
  • Provide information about what and how the students are going to learn and how they can stay informed.
  • Parent-school partnership

Later, the special and proud accomplishments of Premier International IB world School were shared with the parent’s community, which includes some of the students/teachers’ recent visit to Normandy, France for the International Sports Federation, and various other achievements of the school.

The event was successfully concluded at 6:00 pm. The orientation gave a clear vision of the responsibilities of PRs and how they can extend their help by supporting the school management and what the responsibilities of PRs are. Hence, the PR meeting is said to be conducted once every month between school management and the Parent Representative.