By Spriha Pokharel and Alina Giri

An interview session was conducted on Saturday, 7th August, 2021 with the Ex- President of the Student Activity Council, Drishant Maharjan and Vice President Namas Thapa of Premier International School via an online Zoom meeting where they shared their challenges and accomplishments while working together last year. As the SAC election is right around the corner for the year 2078 BS, our very first President and Vice President to be elected virtually who also regulated events while restricted to the four walls of their rooms shared insightful information on their journey and experience.

They expressed their words of gratitude and hinted that despite the difficulties they had in this virtual world while balancing their academic, personal and professional life, their experience overall was super rewarding and they had no regrets taking on this challenge in the first place. Additional emphasis was placed on the immense amount of development and growth that they observed within themselves which included enhancement of values like teamwork, communication, trust, accountability, time management and empathy. 

You cannot deny that leadership programs have always been a pivotal part of Premier International School, says the Ex-Vice President Namas Thapa. She further stated that “These kinds of programs definitely help you in showcasing your talents. Before coming into this position, I was not confident in myself, and after being the Vice President it truly helped me grow in numerous aspects.” 
This perceptive session of dwelling into the successes and turmoil of last year was finally wrapped up by the Ex-President Drishant Maharjan who gave meaningful advice to aspiring students willing to take this position in the future that, although the journey would not be easy the only way they can excel as leaders is by having faith in themselves and their team. Both Ex-President Drishant Maharjan and Vice-President Namas Thapa concluded their words by encouraging every student to push themselves and just “go for it” because at the end of the day, it does not only come down to popularity but to the fact that they grasped this opportunity of discovering and bettering themselves.