By Spriha Pokharel

The most awaited Virtual Graduation Ceremony for the Graduates of year 2076-2077 BS took place on Friday, 20th Of August, 2021 with massive success! 

Even with connections only through a mere screen, it was unbelievable to see the amount of joy these graduates shared with one another.

Witnessing these people celebrating one of the most important moments of their lives with family right by their side was definitely the ultimate boost to all those present at the session.

All teachers, students and parents were left with no space to feel the absence of physical school with the interactive activities that the school team had planned out. Ranging from the cake cutting ceremony to sharing of remarkable insight and experience from our school director, graduates, parents, and the President and Vice President of the year 2077 BS. The entire session was packed with rejuvenation. 

It felt like we were all together and that distance was nothing but a word which now holds no significance whatsoever, and what we knew in that very moment was the gratification of finally making it through this entire Middle Years Program (MYP) journey. The little video clip which was presented helped us relive the memories of the past. 

The memories that we have all shared together as one will always be a part of who we are as an individual says Kriesha Pradhan, one of the Graduates of the year 2076 BS. Other graduates also further expressed their gratitude to the entire school community for shaping them as global citizens who are now ready to move onto the next phase of their lives.We all know that the future is uncertain, it can even be a scary thought sometimes but, it is moments like these which make the thrill absolutely worth it! 

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