By Alina Giri and Aashni Rungta

The ongoing Entrepreneurship Mindset Course in Premier International School which started on 5th September 2021, came to an end on 5th, December 2021, after a prolonged training session with the students by the host Mr. Pabitra Bahadur Gautam, and his team. The closing ceremony started at 10:15 am and ended at 12:40 pm. The Entrepreneurship Mindset Course lasted for ten weeks with the primary goal of teaching the students how to learn and earn with positive change and a young entrepreneurship mindset. The course was prepared with a major focus on senior high school students, being a zero-credit course. The closing event was organized to celebrate the progress, learning, and varieties of projects that students had put together with the help of their parents and mentors. The prominent guests present were; School Director Ms. Pawitra Limbu, School Managing Director Mr. Basanta Thapa, School Curriculum Director Ms. Pravina Thapa, I.T. Coordinator Mr. Bipin Shrestha, Mr. Rajesh Ghimire, and the session host Mr. Pabitra Bahadur Gautam.


Mr. Pabitra Bahadur Gautam is an electronics and communication engineer and also a part of Nepal’s famous and well-respected organization Karkhana. The warm event began with Mr. Rajesh Ghimire welcoming the students and everyone present in the room, followed by  Mr. Gautam, sharing a story about students’ progress, abilities, and achievements in the last ten weeks. He further stated that “the most important thing about entrepreneurship is the ability to bring ideas into practice.” Creativity according to him is not a talent but a skill anyone can learn. He shared the journey of ten weeks of achievements and acknowledged the students for their stimulating work.   


To present an overview of the entire course Mr. Gautam elaborated on the details of the learning journey of the students while developing an inspirational project at the end. As the program proceeded, there was a minute display of a video on the students’ work and growth throughout the course. The students made their presentations on the projects they started which revolved around various project themes such as Homelessness, Domestic Animal Rescue, Female Hygiene, Pollution, Reusable Bags, Self-Defense, and Mental Health. They utilized the various social media platforms they use to spread awareness about their plans, goals, fundings, challenges, and solutions that they came across. They also discussed the outcome of their ongoing projects and how they would like to grow and succeed in the future with all they have learned. 

There was an award-giving session for the students by their mentors to encourage their hard work for all they have achieved together. The fun, engaging, and exciting course was concluded with a question and answer session, and a closing remark made by the School Curriculum Director Ms. Pravina Thapa. The Parents and teachers seemed intrigued by all the achievements the students made, wishing them and the institution all the best in their future endeavors!