By Jayani Pandit (Grade 7B)

“In a world that wants women to whisper, I choose to yell.” – Luvvie Ajayi

Women’s Day celebrated annually on March 8, is a time when women are honored for their contributions to society as well as their successes and wonders. Women have made history for themselves over the past few centuries by empowering people all around the world and leaving a lasting impression with every action they take. Malala Yousafzai, Rosa Parks, and Anne Frank are just a handful of the people whose deeds have left an indelible impression on history.

Women’s Day originated as a result of gender discrimination, which is still a pervasive social issue today but was historically highly dominating in terms of how women were perceived, understood, and valued by society. Clara Zetkin, the head of the “women’s day office” for the German Social Democratic Party, was the first woman to introduce the notion of Women’s Day in 1909. The first protests took place on March 8 for the rights of women; this is when the celebration of international women’s day was officially established. On this precise day, it is popular to address inequality as well as the treatment of women based on their gender. People start fundraising drives, awareness-raising projects, and tributes to the accomplishments of women on this day, drawing attention to the value and significance of Women’s Day. As expressions of admiration, women are lavished with wonderful gifts and flowers. 

The role of women in today’s society has undergone a conspicuous change. Although the situation in Nepal has progressed since prior, injustice remains apparent in the remote regions of our nation. Yet, on a global scale, women have acquired respect and independence, a development that is hoped would also emerge within Nepal in the next generations. Undoubtedly, women’s day is about gender equality and the extraordinary achievements of women, but it should also emphasize the beauty of women, and how they have blossomed from their roots and become as enchanting as ever. It is about women that have spoken and women that have fought to be heard. 

Yes, women’s days should be honored, but they should be applauded every day for their elegance, dedication, and triumphs instead of exclusively on one particular day. Let’s all embrace and cherish the unique beauty of women.