By: Saanvi Thapa

The school’s orientation program for the academic year 2022 took place from the 2nd to 4th of May 2022 at the school’s Executive Hall, aimed at introducing the various ECA (Extra-Curricular Activities) and CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) to the students of MYP (Middle Year Program). The program was moderated by Khazu Singh Thakuri, the new ECA, and CCA Coordinator who also introduced the new assessment and Individual Child Profiling idea for ECA. ECA this year has interestingly been separated into two categories: Sports and Arts, which includes different sports and forms of art. 

Mr. Kazu talked about ISF (International School Sport Federation) and NSSF which the school is a member of. As a member school of the International Sports Federations, students will be exposed to both national and international competitions. The CCA on the other hand refers to the student leadership bodies of the school, such as SAC (Student Activity Council), SET (Student Editorial Team), Student Ambassadors, etc. These student bodies were introduced to avail students the opportunity to engage in leadership positions in school and have first-hand experience in the various positions they hold in the team.

On the next day, an orientation for SET was done at the same venue, and it was led by one of SET’s advisors, Ms. Priscilla Samuel. She started by giving a brief introduction of the team, then she talked about the objectives, goals, expectations, achievements, and plans of the team through a presentation. Towards the end of her presentation, she revealed the vacant opportunities for intending members.

At the end of the program, students who were interested to join the team gave their names to Ms. Priscilla, and students were well acquainted with all ECA and CCA activities in the school, including sports activities aimed at balancing both the physical and mental well-being of students. The orientation ended with various opportunities opened to those who are willing to grab them.