By: Hriddhima Agarwal
My Story session is a regular event held in Premier International IB World School and organized by the School Ambassador Council. For March 2022, the event was held on 7th, at the school auditorium for the students of grades 6, 7, and 9. Ms. Sanjeevani Yonzon Shrestha and Ms. Amuda Mishra were the guest speakers for the event. The event was dedicated towards women’s day, with the main objective of showing the students how much power women hold in society and to promote gender equality alongside. Both of these amazing leaders gave the students inspiring stories about themselves with a lot of lessons to be learned from them.
The event began at 10:10 am with a welcome address from the School Ambassadors and a brief introduction of the guest. Afterward, Ms. Sanjeevani, the director of Wildlife Conservation Nepal, talked briefly about herself, her journey, and how she began with being a scientist. According to her, she thought about becoming a tiger expert, but later on, she found a rabbit hole just like the book Alice in Wonderland, which led her to become a scientist and she learned on her journey that not everyone was aware of the topic ‘climate change and its impact on people and their lifestyle. So far, she has successfully reached out to 35,601 schools around the country including teachers, to spread awareness regarding climate change. She further talked about the speech by Chief Seattle in the early 1800s that inspired her, which she read to the audience. She ended her story with the words “Nature is not a place to visit, it is our home.” Ms. Amuda was invited to share her story, she started by asking questions on why Women’s Day was usually celebrated on 8th march only. With the various responses given by the students, she shared her childhood experiences on gender inequality and how it affected her ability to make personal decisions in life. She said that it took 28 years of her life to learn that “the world is not how it is projected, it is all in one’s head.” Towards the end of the session, she encouraged the students to let the change begin with them by being the change they would like to see, and also put into practice what has been thought. Finally, she ended her speech by saying that in 5-6 years, she would want to see women, the non-binary, and even men all be called ‘leaders’ and celebrated, and not have just a day set aside for Women’s Day celebration.
In the end, all the students got the understanding that women should also be called leaders not women leaders, the session put a very good mindset in the students’ minds that the world should be equal. The session taught all the students the importance of women, it was very fruitful and inspiring. Lastly, the school principal Mr. Niladri Shekhar Parial thanked the guests for their valuable presence and acknowledged the students for their active participation. The guests were then respected with certificates of acknowledgment by the school.